
The Clerk’s Office is headed by the Municipal Clerk who works for the Governing Body under the direction of the Municipal Administrator.
The Clerk serves in the following capacity:
Secretary to the governing body: records official minutes of the governing body, handles municipal correspondence, prepares meeting agendas, processes ordinances and resolutions, handles liaison work with the public and borough professionals, administers and records oaths of office, processes records, files and advertises the municipal budget and bids.
Secretary of the municipal corporation: maintains custody of the municipal seal, maintains receipt of service of legal documents/contracts and signs the majority of official documents; attests signatures of municipal officers and officials. Serves as an administrative assistant to the Municipal Administrator.
Election official: Serves as the chief administrative office in all elections held in the municipality and serves as the chief registrar of voters in the municipality.
Administrative official: issues licenses and permits, handles complaints of all types, furnishes data to the public and media and is responsible for records and information management.
Department of Health Liaison & Registrar of Vital Statistics: Processes dog and cat licenses, coordinates animal canvass, prepares death and marriage/civil union licenses/certificates.